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Capitals of Eastern Europe, Lyon, Provence, the Rhineland

Free Airfare on Select Departures

Ship Swaps: A Necessary Evil?

If you're planning a trip to Europe, you may be wondering whether to book a river cruise. River cruises offer a unique way to see Europe, and they can be a great way to relax and see multiple cities in a short amount of time. However, one thing to keep in mind is that ship swaps are sometimes necessary on river cruises.

A ship swap is when you have to switch ships during your cruise. This can happen for a variety of reasons, such as maintenance or repairs. While ship swaps are not ideal, they are sometimes necessary. And, according to Jon the Traveler, they're really no big deal.

In a recent blog post, Jon writes about his experience with a ship swap on a river cruise. He says that the swap was "smooth and easy" and that he didn't even notice that he was on a different ship. He also says that the staff on both ships were very helpful and accommodating.

So, if you're considering a river cruise, don't let the possibility of a ship swap deter you. It's really not a big deal, and it's a great way to see Europe.
