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Beautiful Thing A Poignant And Uplifting Story Of Teenage Love

Beautiful Thing: A Poignant and Uplifting Story of Teenage Love


Beautiful Thing, written by Jonathan Harvey, is a critically acclaimed play that premiered at the Bush Theatre in 1993. The play follows the lives of two teenage boys, Jamie and Ste, who fall in love despite the challenges and prejudices they face.

Themes of Love and Identity

Beautiful Thing explores themes of love, identity, and the struggles faced by LGBTQ+ youth. Harvey's writing is both poignant and humorous, capturing the raw emotions and complexities of adolescence.

Award-Winning and Adapted

The play has received numerous awards, including the Olivier Award for Best New Play in 1994. It has also been adapted into a successful film and a musical.

Critical Acclaim and Impact

Beautiful Thing has been praised for its sensitive portrayal of teenage relationships and its positive representation of LGBTQ+ characters. The play has had a significant impact on the LGBTQ+ community and has helped to raise awareness about the issues they face.
